News & event 08 March 2021

L'Oréal receives for the second consecutive year Gold Trophy for the best digital communication of French listed companies

Highly committed to promoting individual shareholding, the newspaper, Le Revenu has awarded, as it has every autumn for six years, French CAC 40 and SBF 120 index companies, which best communicate with their audiences.

The objective of this award is to encourage listed companies to strengthen the quality of their relationship with individuals. This year, L'Oréal was able to demonstrate the strength of its services offered to individual shareholders as well as ambitious digital communication tools that are amplified by the unprecedented context.

“In the genes of L’Oréal, we have always been close to our shareholders.”, confided Claire SENAND, Financial Communication Director at L’Oréal. She also explained that the Group benefited from this unprecedent period to accelerate the development of its numeric tools. On the programme: 100% digital Annual General Meeting, e-conferences, digital Annual Report in three languages and 100% accessible…

L'Oréal's Financial Communication team, on behalf of the Group, is very proud to have won this award, reflecting its commitment to the quality of its relationship with its individual shareholders.

Discover the interview video here